CFA Guest Column: Go Construct

Resources to tackle the skills and labour shortage.

Many sectors of the construction industry are finding recruitment difficult in today’s market. Floor laying is no different. But something that seems to be a fact is that we aren’t very good at recruiting “new” entrants to the industry. Floor laying undoubtedly offers good money for those who work hard and CFA have carried out research to understand why we have such a low profile externally compared to other skilled professions such as bricklaying, plumbing or carpentry. I think most reading this will agree that a lot of recruitment is through extended families, friends, and generation to generation.

One factor we identified is that historically we have not been very good at external PR. Ask a child what they want to do when they leave school and I doubt the answer will include “be a floor layer”. As such, an important initiative has been to introduce the sector to the Go Construct STEM Ambassadors programme to raise awareness of floor laying and the flooring sector within schools and colleges. We have also introduced a wider social media campaign aimed outside of the sector to reach the more “mature” potential future floor layers.

CFA has been ‘walking the talk’. Both Richard Catt, CFA’s CEO and Shaun Wadsworth, Training Manager, have been busy in their roles as Go Construct STEM ambassadors. They have attended post-16 careers evenings, mock interview sessions and speed networking events where they spoke to pupils and spread the word. CFA members MacGregor Flooring Company and Veitchi Flooring also delivered flooring demos at schools in Scotland making vital links for their own business too.

“We are offering a solution to help tackle the skills and labour shortage,” says Richard Catt. “I have been very pleased by the response we have enjoyed when attending these events. It is now important that we increase the number of Go Construct STEM Ambassadors to help raise the profile of our sector and increase the number of new floor layers and other recruits coming into the industry.”

CFA have worked hard on resources and support, and identifies two important websites through GoConstruct. The titles are a similar, but their purpose is different and clear.

GoConstruct STEM Ambassadors – The website where you can sign up to be a construction STEM Ambassador. Looking to become a Go Construct STEM Ambassador? | Go Construct

GoConstruct – Commercial Floorlayer Job Description (Salary, Skills, Career Path) | Go Construct. This is a website populated by CFA for anyone who is thinking of entering our industry. The site contains information about salary expectations, job roles, how to apply for a job, training opportunities and funding, (including apprenticeships) and much more.

You may also like to visit:

Talentview – A place where flooring contractors can advertise roles. The flooring and construction equivalent of Indeed or Monster, but FREE.

Finally, we would also recommend the CFA’s Training Guide that includes a wide range of information on everything “training”. See CFA Contract Flooring Association | Downloads

If you would like to become a Go Construct STEM Ambassador, need any further assistance on recruitment or how to join the CFA, please email

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