Meet the Team: Lee Heatherley

We catch-up with technical service officer Lee Heatherley following his change in role to join F. Ball’s Technical Service Department.

After nearly 30 years working for F. Ball, Lee recently switched from being F. Ball technical representative for the West Midlands and North Wales to join the Technical Service Department as a technical service officer at F. Ball’s Staffordshire headquarters.

What was the reason behind the move?

“It was a lot of time spent on the road, and I wanted a change from that and a new challenge. At the same time, the Technical Service Department needed someone else to help handle the increasing number of enquiries that they deal with on a daily basis, so it was good timing.”

Taking Lee’s place as technical representative for the West Midlands is Dale Panter. You can read more about that here.

How is working in the Technical Service Department different from being a technical representative?

“Well, obviously, it involves a lot less travelling around to visit customers. Apart from that, many aspects are the same. I answer enquiries and provide advice on using F. Ball products over the phone and by email, as well as the new online chat facility on F. Ball’s website. I also help to produce project specifications advising on the best course of action for particular flooring projects based on the outcomes of site visits by technical representatives. I still go out to sites in the area where the situation is complex.”

Lee was born and bred in Birmingham, where he lives to this day with his wife, Karen, and son, William. We asked him to remind us how he got into flooring.

“My first job in the flooring industry was for a company called Dunnes Carpets, which I joined when I was about 21 years old. I spent 10 or 11 years with them before joining F. Ball.”

What does he like most about the flooring industry?

“It’s the people: flooring contractors, architects, project managers and members of the public. I like talking to them and developing relationships, and everyone has always been very friendly.”

Have the questions that Lee receives from flooring contractors changed over the years?

“Calcium sulphate screeds are still on par with moisture management when it comes to source of questions that we receive. The former caught up with the latter with the rise in popularity of gypsum floors.”

What does he like to get up to outside of work?

“Until recently, I enjoyed playing golf, including taking part in the F. Ball golf days in addition to playing at my local club. Nowadays, my time is taken up working on my house and DIY. I recently built an extension. I’ve also been helping my daughter renovate her home.”

We trust that both homes will have impeccable flooring.

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