60 second interview: Anthony Gibbs

AMG Flooring Contractors' Anthony Gibbs gives us a minute of his time to answer some quick fire questions.

Name: Anthony Gibbs
Age: 49
Company: AMG Flooring Contractors
Job Title: Director

How did you get into the flooring industry?
My father used to work in the industry so I joined him when I left school and have been working in flooring ever since.

What’s been the biggest change in the industry over the past 10 years?
I would say that the improvement in flooring underlayment has been really major, that has definitely impacted and changed our work over the last 10 years.

Looking forwards, what do you think will be the biggest change in the next 10 years?
I imagine more and more material and technology will be brought out that will change the industry as a whole and alter the method and timescale in which we complete our refurbishments.

What’s the worst job you’ve been on?
There isn’t one job in particular that stands out as being the worst but I’ve been on a few with mismatched old floorings that are a bit of a nightmare and take a long time to sort out.

And what’s the best?
We’ve done a few high profile refurbishments; the one that was probably the best was on the Welsh government building, which was really interesting.

Do you have a go-to product for certain jobs?
Definitely Stopgap 1200 Pro Smoothing Underlayment. I use that all the time and have never had a problem with it. When I use Stopgap 1200 Pro, I can be confident that we will have no problems, which is really important.

What do you like best about the job?
I’ve been really fortunate to do a lot of travelling with my job. I have worked on flooring in cinemas around Europe, an eco-building in Amsterdam and even went on cruise ships to work on their flooring.

What is your least favourite thing about the job?
The worst part of the job has got to be working weekends; there’s been a few times that I’ve had to do that, to finish a job on time.