Down the social: review of 2016

The past year has been very busy on the F. Ball twitter page. Here, we show off the top ten tweets of 2016.

First up is our four-legged friend who gained fame as the August Inner Hero competition winner, thanks to his owner Andy O’Hara of A J O’Hara Flooring in Dorset.


Hart Carpets also sent us this particularly cool tweet..


We knew that Stopgap 1200 Pro could be used on a wide range of subfloor types but we didn’t realise that it could be used for a wide range of other things too!


A definite highlight of 2016 was watching the ‘Bash Street Drummers’ perform at the Harrogate Flooring Show using F. Ball buckets as drums.


Craig David has found a use for F. Ball buckets too! Well done to Lea Smith for spotting our mixing bucket being used as a chair on television.


A wonderful ode to Styccobond F49 Hybrid PS which can be used in conditions where temperatures fluctuate between -2°C and +60°C. Olé!


Flooring by Kimpton certainly didn’t run out of steam on this job; Fast Track 30 provided a first class refurbishment.


Contractors doing their thing at the F. Ball training centre..


Peter Newman Flooring really blew us away with their winning entry to the November Inner Hero competition.


Finally, we loved ‘Booney’s’ limited edition version of Jenga..



Join in! Tweet us @FBallUK and see if your tweet makes next month’s ‘Down the social’.